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Men are the focal point of our ministry. Why? As God created man, he gave Adam several responsibilities and laid upon him many expectations on his character and behavior. Oh how we have fallen. Men are the leaders of homes, representatives to their children on what they should expect from other men; as boys see how to become a man and girls on what to expect from a future husband. 'As the home goes, so goes the world.' the responsibility of the world, our country, our communities and homes rest at the feet of the leader of the home.


"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him..." - Genesis 1:27


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

James 1:22


To bring the Gospel to all men; to study, teach and help apply God's Word in our lives. Accountability, responsibility, honesty, discipleship, mentoring, fellowship and love...


Our goal is family.  Headship in servitude.  Establishing healthy cyles.


Our team is comprised of men and women who love Jesus Christ. We are studied and trained on how to make disciples; we've studied God's Word and work daily to apply it ourselves. We're not perfect, but we rely on God's perfect Word.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put away childish ways.

1 Corinthians 13:11

Man to Man

True discipleship is one to one. One man walking, talking, listening, encouraging and lifting up another. It’s a two-way street that’s rewarding for both men. We will pair you up with a man your age or one who is older; the choice is yours.



We meet regularly in groups to do Bible studies, to pray for each other, to share our lives and struggles and encourage each other. No judgment. No religion. Just real talk.



So, the walk of a Christian man does not stop at us; we are not reservoirs, we are conduits.  Our entire existence is based on transfer of knowledge and teaching others as humans, and that is no different in being a Christian. Therefore we go out and try to show God’s love through action to the community.


There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.  You know you should stop drinking, but you don't and waste all your money.  You know you should spend more time with your family, but you don't and you drift apart.  My unwillingness to do what I know prevents me from experiencing the change in my life that I desire.  Let's help you walk it out.  No one is perfect, but you can do it if you are willing.
We believe the Bible is God's Word, His instructions and directions for us to know how to relate with Him and others.  The Bible is a large book, with lots of stories and translations, interpretations and revelations.  It can be difficult to understand and to grasp how it all ties together from Genesis to Revelation.  We're here to help.

We Rely on the Gospel.  
Everything we are, everything we stand for, all of our advice, opinions, actions and programs are based on His Word and revelation of Himself through Jesus Christ, more importantly on the Gospel of Jesus Christ; that He came from Heaven, was born, crucified for our sins, rose from the dead and will return.  

We are Pro-Family.  
Restoration and the God-given design of the family is always our first priority.  

We believe there is no mistake in who we marry, but the mistakes often come in our actions and decisions afterward.  Taking responsibility in the joy of our spouses and kids instead of ourselves is servant leadership.

We are Pro-Life.  
We work to empower and help men understand their role as responsible leaders in the community to fight needless abortion. 

Moreover, we want to reinforce to men to exercise wisdom so abortion is not an option to begin with. 

Whether you are a single dad or struggling with your kids and marriage, if you are carrying an addiction, or simply need someone to talk to; reach out.  Through compassion, love, honesty, accountability and His righteousness, we are here to help.



All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

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