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Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.- Ephesians 6:4

Our approach to family ministry is simple... Family first.  Throughout the bible, god instilled legacy through family.  From Adam and Eve, to Abraham and his sons to God the Father and God the Son.


For a man, his family is his first ministry.  For a man, family is a place of good stewardship... To love his wife as Jesus loved the church (Ephesians 5:25) so that she can accept through faith, his servant leadership and guidance.  


A man must teach his son to be a man; only a man can raise a boy to be a man.  


A man must teach his daughter the standard by which to judge all men.


The 5th commandment requires that we honor our father and mother; that begins with the head of the home.



The man said, "This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man." For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother,and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

Genesis 2:23-24


If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 

1 Timothy 5:8

Understanding that God designed man and woman to be the first family, the core of the family and that this bond is intended to be an unbreakable covenant between two broken people taking every step studying each other and learning grace, forgiveness and encouragement as God teaches us in Scripture. Two people such as these make great parents. 
Responsibility is handed down to men from the beginning... from the Creation of Earth as Adam was delegated roles and jobs to Jesus on the cross taking on our sins in complete selflessness and servitude.  We as men have to take care of ourselves and our families... and that begins with our first ministry... the family..


It is said that familiarity breeds contempt and that we will probably be hurt by the ones we love and are closest to us; none are more familiar with us or closest to us than family... so how does a man navigate the snares and traps?  We have to teach through Scripture how to anticipate the short future and prepare ourselves to be ready for times of famine and failure.  


We do it all through Christ... we'll spend 1:1 time with you and talk about the issues.  We'll get your family together and see what God's word says about your concerns and issues.  We'll teach and train you on budgeting, how to listen and how to serve.  


Man to Man

Discipleship and inspecting God's word.  We will work with fathers and husbands to get God's direction... we'll spend time in prayer and build up men in Christ as He wills it.  



We meet regularly in groups to do Bible studies, to pray for each other, to share our lives and struggles and encourage each other. No judgment. No religion. Just real talk.



When a man leads his family, he often feels a sense of accomplishment and can learn how to communicate with different personalities at once without the familiarity of the home.  Why is that important?  It's a way to learn new techniques and approaches in communication and leadership and servitude.  All characteristics we teach.

Our family services look at how we can direct the husband to servant leadership; he has to be the humble, yet strong effective leader in the home.  We do so by comparing Adam to Jesus and where we fall in that gap and how God wants us to live. 
Due to the fact that the men we minister have homes with wives and children, we have established women's services such as Bible studies, life coaching and connecting women with mentors and accountability partners; largely managed through our ministry partners but we do have the means to facilitate and walk with you every step of the way.  
Our 'SEEDS' ministry helps boys who come from single parent homes by pairing up with single dads, mentoring boys in single mother homes and helping whole families identify how, through Christ, we can better serve our purpose.


Husband and wife are the core of the family.  Before the children, the relationship between these two needs be established and nurtured.  Think about it, these two will show their children how to live, what to expect from other men and women and how to treat other men and women.  This relationship is integral without question to the health of a family, children or not. 


Before the kids arrive, there is the husband and wife. 
While the children are at home, the husband and wife must work together as a team, not as opposition. 

After the kids are gone... it's husband and wife and they will benefit from a lifetime of relationship building and teamwork. 

Your children will benefit from an upbringing that is stable and encouraging. 


Now, we understand our human condition and we know things don't always go the way we described, but there is always a path back to His way.  Do not buy the lie that you are too broken or your family is too dysfunctional or that your circumstances are beyond His love. 


We are broken to a perfect Father; and He still welcomes us in His love and grace.





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