Serving Men, Boys, Family and Community
in Union County, NC
What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.
- James Chapter 2:14-26
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Square is a VERY popular form of payment/giving. This link will send you to our online donation site, where you may select denominations and recurring donations.
If you have any issues or questions with giving, please contact us at 980-500-9255 or via email to our general email or directly to our finance team at
The needs of our ministry and those we serve are great, but not greater than our God; we ask for His provision through your generosity.
Our largest expense is our facility; which itself serves the community. Through it we hold Life Skill classes (resume writing, budgeting, computer literacy and anything else), but it is also a place where we minister to others through group studies and 1:1 time. Our house has many rooms where we can relax, talk privately, play games and more.
ALL of our services are FREE; we offer services, curriculum, Bibles, food, clothes, toiletries and more all at our expense as well as welcoming donations. Oftentimes families and especially the boys we minister to miss out on events,
OUR BOYS MINISTRY is one of super importance to us; not only are they the next generation of men, but also the next generation of fathers, husbands, business owners and decision makers. The best that we can support them, encourage them and show them the God's design for men and the sooner and more consistently we can, the better for every one.
OUR HOMELESS SHELTER MINISTRY focuses on helping the clients of a local shelter toward their path to regaining self-sustainability through classes and moral/spiritual support.
OUR PREGNANCY CENTER MINISTRY also focuses on providing men the Biblical truths of being a husband, a father, a leader, a provider and a Christian Godly man.
OPERATIONS currently cost us about $4500 a month. Any regular, recurring donation helps us to designate your giving towards our ministries and our own giving.
We welcome and are encouraged by your donation. We ask God for provision through His people and your giving heart is proof that prayer works. Whether God softened and opened your heart or you simply truly believe in our mission and ministry, we thank you for the encouragement through your giving.
One of our many goals is to be able to provide, judicially and with Godly, Spiritual discernment the physical and Spiritual needs of the community. Sometimes a family needs a hotel to say in. Sometimes cars break down and families need to get to work or school or day care. Sometimes kids don't have coats, or jackets... or shoes. Sometimes food is consistently rice and beans... or nothing at all for several days.
It is our goal to be in debt to no one and own our facility and the property it sits on (or purchase another). By God's grace we have a large facility with a beautiful field which we lease. We will shortly begin a capital campaign to own the property and the building.
M2 Men's Ministry, LLC is a limited liability company registered in the state of North Carolina.
We are an IRS designated 501(c)3 tax-exempt entity under TMCI and solely associated through this tax-exempt status.
We are steered by a 5 person Board of Directors, along with as-needed committees to create and carry out directives/action to govern our ministry, company and facility properties.
No one in M2 is compensated financially or otherwise for their service.