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We believe that Jesus is the model for us.  Servant, leader, teacher, selfless, giving, loving and sacrificing among so many other characteristics.  He is who we emulate. 

We believe the Bible is the inerrant inspired and recorded work and Word of God and therefore believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.   


We believe that men are the leaders of the household, by His design.  Created to lead in love, servitude, provisioning and the grace, love and mercy given to Him by His creator; thereby creating an environment for his family to grow, flourish, feel safe and abiding in God's word.   Scripture tells husbands 'to love your wives as Jesus loved the church' (Eph 5:25) meaning as the husband abides in Christ, relying not on his own brokenness and doubt, putting away selfishness, but instead in God's way, will and design, He can effectively lead his spouse at times when there is an empass or a decision to be made.  


The purveyors of life and beautifully chosen to be the person, vessel and nurturer of all life and generations. We believe women are equal to men yet serve the family in a unique role.


The single mother has epidemically taken on the role that is not by design hers; to be a father.  Children are raised oftentimes in loving and perfectly fine single-parent homes, however a child without a father figure, particularly boys often take 


As it pertains to our mission and ministry, we believe in the God designed purpose of family; a man and a woman in a monogamous relationship, married under covenant to God and each other to be one, yet different in roles and responsibilities.  From this designed family, children flourish in a diverse two-parent household, learning the separate yet equally important roles of the parents.  We will always approach to fix marriage through Scripture as the alternative to divorce in reverence to God's design, to the growth and maturity of the husband and wife and to the benefit of the children.  

We believe children are a part of the family, not its center.  Husband and wife must work together to establish and maintain a dual-role parentship and personal relationship allowing each other to grow and fruitfully thrive when the children leave the home. 


Sin is sin.  We do not hold one sin higher than any other.  There is no homosexual sin worse than any heterosexual sin although some transgressions carry deeper damaging affects to us as a body, as a community and to families than others; they all oppose and offend God.  We strive to point people to the Truth of His Word, allow people to make their own decisions and offer up ourselves as partners in the journey and therefore hold ourselves to the same standards of walking a life in Christ.  


We simply want to encourage you to know God's word and live His word.  Die to the cross and live for Him. 


'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus'
-Romans Chapter 3:23-24


These are our beliefs as they pertain to those we minister to and do not hold to any specific doctrine or denomination.

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